An alternative to semiconductor-based common mode filters
Designed to protect electronic equipment that may experience destructive ESD, Littelfuse has introduced the SP814x series of low capacitance TVS diode arrays. The devices integrate four or six channels of ultra-low-capacitance rail-to-rail diodes and an additional zener diode to safely absorb repetitive ESD strikes above the maximum level specified in the IEC61000-4-2 international standard (±8kV contact discharge) without performance degradation.
Their extremely low loading capacitance (1.0pF typical per I/O), lower series resistance than semiconductor-based devices and fast response also makes them suitable for protecting electronics with high speed signal pins, such as HDMI2.0, USB3.0, USB2.0 and IEEE1394. The devices' low leakage current (25nA typical at 5V) extends battery life and preserves signal integrity because excessive leakage can be seen as additive capacitance for a high-speed differential pair.
Enhanced ESD capability (±22kV contact, ±22kV air) permits manufacturers to achieve ESD protection beyond the maximum level stated in the IEC standard and protects against a multitude of other threats to ensure product reliability in the field. Their compact form factor (μDFN, JEDEC & MO-229 packages) saves precious board space, simplifies the PCB layout and enables protection in space-constrained applications like smartphones. The footprint is also the same as semiconductor-based CMFs, permitting through-package routing for ESD-only solutions.
Applications for the SP814x series include LCD/PDP TVs, external storage, DVD/Blue-Ray players, desktops/servers, notebooks/tablets, set-top boxes, mobile phones, flash memory cards and digital cameras.
Tim Micun, Product Manager, TVS Diode Arrays, Littelfuse, commented: “The SP814x series offers an economical alternative to semiconductor-based Common-Mode Filters (CMFs), which although perceived to add value, they do not filter unwanted signals or noise fast enough, creating signal integrity problems. For most high-speed interfaces, using such CMF devices means overspecifying and overspending on circuit protection. Because they have the same compact footprint as CMF devices, SP814x series TVS diode arrays are an easy, low-cost option that doesn’t compromise ESD protection.”
The SP814x series is provided in tape & reel format in quantities of 3,000.