Structured light sensor enables fast 3D inspection
Nowadays 3D machine vision systems can solve many applications which were once thought impossible to solve. Only a few years ago 3D operations with height measurements or volumetric measurements lacked accuracy and were expensive and slow. Technical developments have brought new sensors and evaluation hardware to the 3D inspection market.
The EyeScan VR 3D sensor from EVT GmbH works with structured light. In this process the light is projected in stripes onto the object and due to the height structure of the object, creates a light pattern, which is then captured by a camera, which is positioned in a certain angle. This method is extremely fast and the EyeScan VR is therefore suitable for inspection tasks such as shape deviation, completeness, or BGAs and bent IC-pins.
Stripe projection, image recording and generation of the point cloud are performed in an integrated manner based on an intelligent camera and EyeVision software by EVT. The projector from Texas Instruments and the camera are synchronised with a frequency of 60Hz. This solution allows measurement times of below one second, evaluating light intensity in every single camera pixel.
The 3D-cameras of the EyeScan series are supported by the EyeVision image processing software. With preprogrammed commands for 3D inspection and evaluation, the user can put together inspection programmes via a drag-and-drop function. Thanks to an intuitive UI, the user can create programmes without the necessity for programming skills.