
Spot-Curing system leaves traditional behind

20th September 2016
Anna Flockett


Announcing the addition of the new BlueWave MX-150LED Spot-Curing system is Ellsworth Adhesives Europe, from Dymax to its product range. With unique curing flexibility this system offers a higher consistency than traditional spot-curing systems.

The MX-150 can be used for curing thermally sensitive materials and can be used as a bench-top unit or integrated into an automated system. This system has been uniquely designed to create flexibility when curing, guaranteeing efficiency. Consisting of two key components; a controller with a user friendly touchscreen interface as well as a high-intensity UV LED emitter, the system can be operated by foot pedal, touchscreen or PLC interface.

Differing from traditional spot-cure systems, as curing energy is created using an LED chip within the LED emitter, rather than in the controller, as is typical with other systems. Dymax guarantees that locating the LED chip at the point-of-cure will provide more consistent curing and mitigate potential problems such as intensity loss in comparison to competitors.

A new and unique aspect of The MX-150 system is its ability to tailor curing to suit different requirements. Users have the option to choose between three different wavelength emitters (365, 385 or 405nm), and compatible with a variety of UV and visible light-curable materials.

The BlueWave MX-150 from Dymax has a number of system features and benefits which ensure it is a positive choice in LED UV Curing. With a high intensity of up to 40W/cm², a wide variety of materials can be cured quickly resulting in minimal waiting time, coupled with wavelength flexibility to allow co-optimisation of adhesive and curing system for optimal cure.

In addition, the location of the LED chip guarantees consistent intensity with an overall improved user interface, curing programs can be easily entered, stored and recalled when needed. General features include an instant on-off with no warm-up period, creating a more energy efficient system and guaranteeing greater longevity. This allows optimum continuous operation without overheating and temperature monitoring to assure maximum LED life.

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