Piezo-based tip/tilt platform achieves high motion cycles
In applications such as scanning microscopy or laser material processing and laser engraving, tip/tilt mirror systems control laser beams quickly and precisely. They are compact and offer high dynamics and linearity as well as short settling times. PI (Physik Instrumente) developed the piezo-based S-335 tip/tilt platform, which is suitable for applications with tip/tilt angles up to 35mrad, optical deflection angles to 70mrad and high demands on dynamics.
The parallel-kinematic design with two orthogonal tip/tilt axes act on a common platform and this ensures identical performance of each axis. The special design of the flexures allows friction-free motion, high stiffness, and operating frequencies of more than 100Hz. The smallest step angle is 1µrad. Integrated strain gauges ensure a high linearity of 0.05% and a repeatability of 0.5µrad (unidirectional in each case).
Compact, robust, and durable
With a surface of 34.5x34.5mm and a height of 56.5mm, the tip/tilt platform is compact and requires very little space in the application. The PICMA piezo actuators have all-ceramic insulation and are therefore superior to conventional, non-ceramic insulated actuators both in performance and lifetime. The monolithic piezoceramic block is protected against humidity and increased leakage current and therefore achieves high motion cycles even under extreme ambient conditions. In contrast to electric motorised drives, there are no rotating parts or friction.
The piezo actuators are therefore free of backlash, maintenance, and wear. The digital multi-channel E-727 piezo controller is suitable for control. During start-up, the tip/tilt platform identifies itself to the controller via ID chip and the applicable operating parameters are then loaded automatically. As an option, the tip/tilt platform, which is suitable for mirrors with diameters of up to 25.4mm, can also be supplied with a mirror.