Opto Diode Announces Super High-Power IR Emitters
Opto Diode announces the first in a new series of super high-power gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) infrared (IR) emitters, the OD-110L. The new device features ultra high optical output with a very narrow optical beam, making it ideal for night vision (NV) and other military imaging applications.
The The absolute maximum rating at 25 degrees C (case) for power dissipation is 1000mW, with a continuous-forward-current rating at 500mW. The OD-110L lead-soldering temperature (1/16 in. from the case for 10 seconds) is 260 degrees C. Storage and operating temperatures range from -40 degrees C to 100 degrees C, making these devices suitable for harsh environments and for integration into illuminators and markers, and systems utilizing NV goggles and cameras. For more information on the new superhigh- power IR emitter, please go to: http://www.optodiode.com/pdf/OD-110L.pdf.