Coherent Launches Turnkey Ultrafast Seed Laser
The new Vitara-S from Coherent Inc is a hands-free, integrated ultrafast oscillator primarily designed to seed Titanium:Sapphire (Ti:S) amplifiers. The new member of the Vitara family uses the same state-of-the-art technology as other Vitara products and delivers the same superior beam quality and power stability operating with a fixed bandwidth of > 70 nm centered at 800 nm. The compact laser head incorporates one of Coherent’s unique Optically Pumped Semiconductor Lasers (OPSL) as pump laser.
UnliVitara-S is the optimum choice for seeding kHz class Ti:S amplifiers, such as the Coherent Legend series, as well as high repetition amplifiers, such as the Coherent RegA series, or any other Ti:S ultrafast amplifier system. Its large bandwidth makes it equally suited to seed short pulse (~ 30 fs) amplifiers as well as 100 fs to ps-class amplifiers.