Mixed Signal/Analog

ADC stakes claim as markets fastest & most accurate

8th October 2014
Staff Reporter

Claimed to be the fastest, most accurate, lowest power A/D converter in the industry, the 16-bit AD7981 has been unveiled by Analog Devices. The company claims that the device is more than twice as fast as existing converters and provides error-free operation at temperatures of up to 175°C. The device, with sample rates up to 600-kSPS, scales power linearly using only 4.65 mW at a full speed of 600 kSPS and 70 µW at 10 kSPS. 

The AD7981 PulSAR A/D converter has a typical performance of +/-0.7-LSB INL and 91-dB SNR, enabling a high dynamic range with better accuracy and precision. This combination addresses critical performance criteria for precision measurement applications in harsh, high-temperature environments such as gas drilling, as well as industrial and avionics applications.

The introduction of the AD7981 expands ADI's existing high-temperature component portfolio which includes the AD8229 ultra-low-noise instrumentation amplifier; the ADR225 2.5-V band gap voltage reference; the AD8634 dual amplifier with rail-to-rail outputs and the ADXRS645 MEMS gyroscope. All devices have been pecifically manufactured for high temperature environments and are production tested at high temperature to reduce risk and development time for demanding applications. The converter is suited to applications including wide bandwidth sonic and vibration measurement as well as low power, lower-bandwidth pressure and temperature sensing.

The device is available now in a 10-lead MSOP.

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