Use the Web to match microcontrollers to your needs
Computer Solutions has added a self-selection search capability to its Micro-Search web-based 8051 microcontroller database, allowing users to specify in detail those features they require in a micro for their application.
MicrThe Self Search Micro-Search reporting facility uses a feature selection form that enables the user to specify the parameters to be displayed in the final report and any requirements on which microcontrollers are to be included.
For example, the user may only be interested in microcontrollers with three external interrupts, more than ten I/O bits and more than 8 Mbyte of flash program space. He might also wish to know their idling power and what packages are available. Once these requirements are entered, the search facility automatically identifies devices that meet the criteria and prints a detailed report.
When they have chosen their processor, designers can link to Comsol's 'Supported Chips Directory', which provides details of the many development tools available from the company's web shop to support that device.
Micro-Search is part of Comsol's 'Embedded Information Zone', a growing reference directory for designers which can be accessed at www.computer-solutions.co.uk/info-zone.htm