USB attenuator for Wi-Fi 6E testing has 0-95dB x 1dB range
JFW has a new 50 Ohm USB solid-state programmable step attenuator to help automate users Wi-Fi 6E testing.
The model 50P-211 SMA operates from 200MHz to 8Ghz with attenuation range 0 to 95dB by 1dB steps.
Switching speed is 4 uS.
RF Input Power is +24 dBm (Input), + 15 dBm (Output).
The attenuator is It is available with SMA female RF connectors.
Test software is provided with the USB attenuator.
It can control multiple JFW USB attenuators to allow for handover signal fade testing.
Users who want to integrate the USB attenuator into their script testing are offered a JFW Python library upon request.