
Satcom signal generator offers versatility in frequency and level control

24th October 2016
Lanna Deamer

AtlanTecRF has launched a new Ethernet Controlled Signal Generator. Designed to provide a built-in signal source for satellite communications approved installations as well as general purpose and production line testing, the new AtlanTecRF ESG Series of Signal Generators offers ethernet control for output frequencies covering all bands including L, S, C, X, Ku, Ka and Q.

These 19" one unit rack mount instruments feature easy-to-use front panel frequency and output level controls with clear LCD readout and can be controlled either locally or remotely via LAN and a GUI.

The overall frequency range of the series from 0.5 to 46GHz is selectable in steps down to 1KHz and there is a choice of output attenuation ranges over 0 - 60dB with increments from 0.25dB.

Geoff Burling, C.E.O. of AtlanTecRF said: “In permanent communication installations and in production test set-ups, there is often the need to generate an RF signal economically but with versatility in frequency output level and control. These new Signal Generators do exactly this and we are excited by the industry reception that these have already received.”

The ESG Signal Generators, also available in convenient and portable bench instruments, come with an internal OXCO reference with 0.002PPM stability but can also be connected to a system 10MHz reference.

Additional features include RF mute 1.5:1 output VSWR and 5mSec switching time. Input power is 80-240V and 50/60Hz.

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