Frequency Control
ON Semiconductor Extends its PureEdge Clock and Timing Portfolio with a Family of Low Noise Silicon-Based VCXO Solutions
ON Semiconductor today introduced a new PureEdge family of silicon-based voltage controlled crystal oscillators (VCXOs). Offering reduced costs, and ultra-low jitter and phase noise versus alternative solutions available on the market, the new NBVSBAxxx series is ideal for providing low jitter, stable reference clock in designs such as networking, SONET, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, base stations and broadcasting equipment.
The “Long established SAW- or quartz-based voltage controlled clock oscillator technology has reached its performance and cost limits,” said Prescott Sakai, director of Clock and Data products at ON Semiconductor. “ON Semiconductor’s silicon-based PureEdge™ devices have emerged as a logical and superior choice for current and future designs. The new family of devices offer equal or better overall performance and improve design flexibility compared to existing solutions, combined with lower cost and reduced lead times.”