New service introduced for interdisciplinary operations on displays
The measurement of light and colour analysis, or Licomet as the acronym reads (light and colour measurement), on one hand stands for a multitude of interdisciplinary, technical services for current and upcoming embedded display solutions and HMIs (human machine interfaces). However, on the other it stands for trouble shooting such as technical analysis, documentation and bug fixing.
"Licomet can be used for all 2D or 3D applications, concepts and devices that use light as a medium. It is, in this sense, the designation of a category of service packages with different but mutually related technical content", explained Klaus Wammes, Managing Director of Wammes & Partner.
Licomet is therefore a standardised concept of a genus. Similar to designations such as semi-manufactured products, technical drawings or ‘white goods’, it is specified in the context of the use.
For example, Wammes und Partner are using standardised service packages such as seminars, workshops or training courses under the item numbers Licomet 01 to 04, instead, Licomet 05 to 09, combine different optical analyses and investigations of functional units.
Wammes added: "Surely, there are already some individual services of this kind. However, under a variety of names or terms. A solid conceptuality is intended to provide easier access to the understanding of complex technical effects for light and electronic displays. The standardised service packages enable clients to manage and retrieve their own orders more easily."