Miniature incandescent lamps with matching sockets
A comprehensive range of miniature incandescent lamps including advanced Xenon filled types and matching drop-in replacement sockets is available from CML Innovative Technologies (CML-IT). Delivering a cost-effective solution with high luminous output, traditional incandescent lamps still have a valid role in many applications such as automotive, gaming, aviation and transport, where cost restrictions don’t warrant the use of still higher-priced, modern LED lamps.
ProdMiniature incandescent lamps generate significant sales of approximately $40M per year for CML-IT and recently prompted a major investment at the company’s production facility in Bury. A new socket machine was commissioned and will increase the production of sockets from 440000 units per week up to 660000 units per week. This will make it even easier for customers to directly source miniature incandescent lamps together with matching sockets from CML-IT.