Swissbit introduces management tool for storage devices
Swissbit Device Manager (SBDM) is the latest edition of the Swiss storage and security specialist’s software tool for storage devices.
The most recent version of SBDM allows customers to initiate firmware updates in addition to giving a comprehensive insight into the lifecycle status of Swissbit storage solutions. As a result, the software supports Swissbit customers who are currently in the design-in stages, giving them complete flexibility for extensive testing and customisation. A user-friendly app presents all the captured data. It serves as the main interface for all Swissbit storage products. The Swissbit website offers a free download of the tool, which is available for both Windows and Linux.
The software tool is designed to minimise machine downtime and outage costs while increasing system reliability. Additionally, the need for maintenance and service can be accurately determined. Customers and Swissbit's FAE team may now communicate even more effectively thanks to the newly introduced feature of performing firmware updates using locally stored firmware packages, especially during the design-in stage. Customers can easily install and test product-specific firmware adjustments.
The Swissbit Device Manager is the systematic further development of the successful Swissbit Lifetime Monitoring Tool, whose feature set and ease of use have now been expanded even further. All the benefits of a complete monitoring and system tool are provided by the SBDM. This includes both the standard S.M.A.R.T. parameters (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) as well as the utilisation of the individual flash blocks. Important telemetry data, general device information like serial number or firmware version, utilisation statistics like NAND flash erase cycles, and ECC/CRC counters are all visualised using SBDM. The history of all these values is recorded for each memory device.
Compatibility, use and potential future applications
For Linux and Windows, there is a direct executable version of the Swissbit Device Manager. The Command Line Interface (CLI) is another method of using the SBDM in addition to the app.
The SBDM supports the CompactFlash, SSD SATA, CFast, CFexpress, USB, SD, microSD, e.MMC, and NVMe product lines from Swissbit.
The Swissbit Device Manager Library/API is now also available as a free download. Customers can use this to integrate SBDM features into their own tools or software programs.