
Simulator suits linear and mixed signal applications

20th August 2014
Nat Bowers


Enabling virtual prototyping for customers with limited resources and fast time-to-market requirements, Analog Devices has announced the ADIsimPE (personal edition) simulator for linear and mixed signal applications.

Powered by the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS simulator, ADIsimPE utilises SIMetrix SPICE for simulation of linear circuits, such as precision references, op amps and linear regulators, and SIMPLIS (SIMulation of Piecewise LInear Systems) for high speed analysis of non-linear circuits such as PLLs and switching power supplies. It is claimed to be up to 50 times faster than the leading SPICE based simulators. A library of validated Analog Devices IC models, as well as proven application schematics, are included.

Based on a quick and simple three step design process, the web-based ADIsimPower Design Center provides a complete, virtual evaluation ecosystem. This reduces customer risk and dramatically improves time-to-market.

  • Step 1: Select the optimum solution based on efficiency, cost, area and component count.
  • Step 2: Design and optimise using ADIsimPower downloadable tools.
  • Step 3: Simulate and verify using ADIsimPE.

System designers can use the web-based ADIsimPower Design Center to select the power management best solution based on key parameters such as efficiency, cost, board area and component count. Specific ADIsimPower design tools optimise the design and provide an integrated and seamless ADIsimPE launch option. This enables designs to be simulation verified without having to manually edit any schematics or set-up the simulation parameters. This integration allows users to quickly achieve accurate results without having to read a datasheet or become an expert in circuit simulation.

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