PTC releases Mathcad 15.0
PTC has announced the release of Mathcad 15.0, the latest release of PTC’s engineering calculation software. Available from Adept Scientific (Letchworth, Herts) Mathcad 15.0 delivers enhanced capabilities to help customers solve their most pressing engineering calculation needs and improve the documentation of calculations throughout the product development process.
Mathcad 15.0 includes over 25 new functions, more robust reference libraries and integration with third-party tools, including the latest version of Microsoft Excel. Additionally, the Mathcad 15.0 integration with existing engineering platforms like Pro/ENGINEER®, as well as with PTC's Windchill® solutions, Windchill PDMLink® and Windchill ProductPoint®, enables better management of critical engineering content, making it easier to share and reuse information leading to standardisation and best practices.
These ‘Design of Experiment’ fitting functions are a great bonus and now that I have augmented them with my own functions they will save many hours of work evaluating large sets of data, Philip Leitch, PRL Software.
Highlights of the enhancements in Mathcad 15.0 include:
· Design of Experiments (DoE) – Over 25 new functions to reduce the time and expense of conducting experiments through DoE by understanding the variable interactions that will influence the experiment. DoE helps identify critical factors and optimal settings for complex processes. It provides templates for a fewer number of experiments which are indispensable when having multiple variables and levels.
· Integration to Knovel® Math content – Quickly access the full list of Knovel's fully documented Mathcad worksheets from Roark's and Hick's reference works reducing the time it takes to solve complex maths problems.
· Integration with Kornucopia® software – Kornucopia by Bodie Technology is designed to reduce time and effort spent on analysis by providing functions and templates using Mathcad-based documented workflows that improves interpretations and value of experimental data and simulation results.
· Integration to Truenumbers® – Truenumbers by True Engineering Technology enables the ability to easily communicate values across applications and the organisation without loss of quantity or unit integrity. Results and values can be moved outside of Mathcad onto different document types – enabling easy sharing of the data.
· Support for latest version of Microsoft Excel® – Leverage the following functions and features with Excel: READEXCEL(), WRITEEXCEL(), READFILE, the data import wizard and the Excel Add-in.
· Windows 7 support.
PTC continues to view Mathcad as an important component of its overall product offering and remains committed to delivering the best engineering calculation software to our customers, said Jake Simpson, General Manager, Mathcad Business Unit, PTC. Mathcad 15.0 with its new Design of Experiments functions and integration with Windchill ProductPoint, as well as other tools, enables our customers to easily create complex engineering calculations and communicate those calculations across the organisation, thus helping them achieve a level of standardisation and collaboration within their product development process.