MegaChips Selects Forte Design Systems' High-Level Synthesis Software
Forte Design Systems announced today that MegaChips Corporation of Osaka, Japan, has selected Cynthesizer SystemC high-level synthesis software from Forte Design Systems(tm) for development of its system-on-chip (SoC) designs.
MegaMegaChips selected Cynthesizer because it can produce high-performance register transfer level (RTL) code, its handles design reuse better than its competitors and it makes RTL tradeoff easier. MegaChips' engineers and senior management noted that their evaluation confirmed that Cynthesizer's advanced capabilities and Forte's best-in-class support team made Cynthesizer the best choice for their next business.
MegaChips' evaluation highlights the robust feature set offered by Cynthesizer, our compelling quality of results and advanced datapath and control designs, adds Brett Cline, Forte's vice president of marketing and sales. We're delighted to be chosen as a MegaChips preferred vendor.