
Interface Development Suite supports creation of ultimate user experience for display-based designs

19th March 2009
ES Admin
Anders Electronics and Tilcon Software have announced the launch of the UMR Interface Development Suite (IDS) that enables rapid creation and deployment of embedded graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Using IDS, designers can deliver enhanced, display-based user experiences while streamlining product development, reducing project risk and speeding time-to-market.
The UMR Interface Development Suite (IDS) has been optimised for Anders’ UMR 5 Series, allowing the company to provide complete ‘end-to-end’ solutions to enhance the ultimate user experience.

Featuring an advanced GUI/HMI builder and a device-optimised embedded runtime engine, the UMR IDS is a powerful development tool that reduces by 80% the UI coding requirements. The integrated functionality includes dynamic screens, photo-realistic transitions and effects and customisable ‘widgets’ such as gauges, charts and meters which can be employed to rapidly build key elements of the interface. The ability to directly import, export and merge Photoshop files allows graphical designs to be easily integrated to the user interface.

The pre-integrated GUI runtime platform embedded into the UMR 5 Series allows designers to take the GUI developed using the IDS and deploy it seamlessly onto the target UMR hardware. Once deployed, the IDS allows user interfaces to be rapidly re-branded and reconfigured without code changes, meaning that end products can be quickly modified and optimised for different application, and market requirements.

Discussing the launch of the IDS, CEO Rob Anders said: “Until recently developing a GUI for an embedded application meant assembling a team of developers, purchasing software libraries and then generating, testing and managing thousands of lines of code. The UMR IDS, which we have developed in co-operation with Tilcon Software, changes all that, allowing designers to deploy a high-quality GUI faster, more cost effectively and with much less risk.”

The UMR IDS is available for a free 60-day trial to all customers purchasing the UMR 5 Series development kit.

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