IAR Systems provides C99 compliance to 8051 software tools
IAR Systems has announced that its development toolsuite IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 now complies with the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 standard, also known as C99. The IAR C/C++ compiler is believed to be the world’s first compiler for the 8051 architecture to fully support C99. It is the current C standard, developed as an improvement of the previous C90 standard and introducing several new language features.
BeinIAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 is a set of reliable and powerful C and C++ tools for building and debugging embedded system software for embedded systems. It provides a user friendly integrated development environment including a project manager, editor, build tools and debugger. In a continuous workflow, source files and projects can be created, built and debugged on hardware or in a simulator.