Gates-on-the-Fly Netlist Editor and Schematic Viewer
SynaptiCAD announces the release of Gates-on-the-Fly (GOF), a Verilog netlist editor and incremental schematic viewer. GOF can edit very large netlists from a synthesis or layout tool that need changes to either meet timing closure specifications, fix functional logic bugs, or to repartition a design.
LocaUsers begin navigating through a netlist using GofViewer. GofViewer displays a netlist as a hierarchical tree of module instances with an associated text window that displays the actual netlist code. Nets and modules are hyperlinked so that double clicking will either: open up the definition of the object or display a leaf cell in a GofTrace schematic window. Right-click context menus provide functions for finding related loads, drivers, fanin, fanout, parent modules, etc. GofViewer also has an RTL-to-Netlist Matching feature to ease the process of locating nets in the netlist code that match signals from the original RTL code.
Investigate logic paths using GofTrace schematic windows
GofTrace is an incremental schematic viewer that lets designers quickly display relevant gates along a specified logic cone (set of related circuit paths). This is unlike other schematic tools which force a fixed placement of the gates that makes it difficult to rearrange the gates to visualize just the area of interest. A schematic can easily be expanded to examine a path of interest by middle-clicking on a pin to show the nets/gates connected to the pin.