Emulation system supports development with Microchip’s PIC microcontrollers
Microchip has announced its MPLAB REAL ICE emulation system to support the development of applications that use Microchip’s PIC microcontrollers and dsPIC Digital Signal Controllers. The MPLAB REAL ICE offers low-cost, next-generation emulation support, including faster memory interfacing and longer distance, higher speed target connections.
The Microchip developed the MPLAB REAL ICE emulation system alongside its next-generation microcontrollers and DSC devices to ensure tightly coupled emulation integration. On-chip resources support the emulation features for full-speed debugging, with real time variable monitoring. High-speed data interfaces rapidly upload large trace records, offering quick monitoring and instant adjustment of application parameters.
The MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (part number DV244005) is available now for $499.98 or the local equivalent excluding local tax. In addition, the MPLAB REAL ICE Performance Pak (part number AC244002) is available now for $159.98, and includes two plug-in high-speed driver boards to enhance communications between the unit and target.
The optional Processor Extension Paks, available shortly, will provide an extension board that plugs directly into the target socket and releases debugging pins for use within the application.