
Bloor publishes in-depth Research Report on Artisan Studio

12th November 2009
ES Admin
Artisan Software Tools has announced that Bloor Research has published one of its “InDetail” research reports on Artisan Studio. The Report analyzes Artisan Studio’s capabilities and its importance as a standards-based, graphical systems and software engineering tool which, in their view, caters well for large, distributed teams working on mission and safety-critical projects involving the integration of software, hardware and human processes.
According to the InDetail Paper’s author, David Norfolk, Practice Leader at Bloor Research focusing on development: “If you are actively trying to develop systems of systems and trying to ensure that your organization’s technology and automation is aligned with its business objectives and goals, Artisan Studio is a tool that might really help you achieve these things effectively.”

The InDetail Research Paper highlights a variety of key facts and differentiators that fundamentally distin­guish Artisan Studio at a high level:

· It is a holistic suite of tools, not a suite bolted together from disparate products.

· It comes from an independent Systems En­gineering tool specialist, not a generalist with an interest in selling general software and hardware.

· It is firmly standards-based and supports the latest SysML and UPDM standards as well as UML 2. Artisan is actively concerned in building these standards with the OMG, so standards support is not merely a marketing check-box.

· Its vision is of large and often geographi­cally-dispersed teams of analysts, systems engineers and software engineers “working as one”.

· It covers the entire gamut from systems en­gineering through to code generation.

· It is based around a central, shared, meta­data repository, discouraging “siloization” of business automation.

· It is based on a robust internal meta-model, which encourages controlled customization and extension.

· It has an impressive user base and excellent provenance.

“Any tool this sophisticated can hardly fail to be different from other tools in its space in its details,” the report states. “Probably, none of these are unique in them­selves; but in overall combination, they help Artisan Studio to stand out from the crowd.”

For Bloor Research, the bottom line is that organizations of all types are becoming ever more dependent on ex­tremely large, distributed and complex systems in which software, hardware and human processes are aligned to deliver an effective ser­vice to the business. In order to develop these, automated tools that enable not only software developers, but all the other stakeholders in automated business systems development, to move freely between the realms of code, requirements and hardware selection and design, are becoming essential.

“The Artisan Studio tool prom­ises to help companies to develop effective, holistic solutions to large business-critical problems, using systems engineering prin­ciples and software engineering to make the SE models ‘actionable’ - that is, to produce code that will run in production, says David Norfolk. “We think that it succeeds.”

“Bloor Research is highly regarded for the quality and independence of its research that enables organizations to choose the optimal technology solutions for their needs,” concludes James B. Gambrell, President and CEO of Artisan Software Tools. “Artisan is pleased that Bloor chose to evaluate Artisan Studio’s capabilities with the publication of an InDetail research paper and that their research clearly confirms what our customers already know about the strategic benefits of using the Artisan Studio tool suite.”

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