
Real Time Logic Bundle Offers Fully Integrated Embedded Web Server and Security Tools

1st June 2012
ES Admin
Real Time Logic has announced a complete set of tools and components to develop embedded web server and security at a significant cost savings. The Barracuda Application Server brings developers of remote management and control applications all the functionality they need in one package, dramatically easing development effort and reducing upfront costs.
By bundling a suite of device web server development, connectivity, and security tools together, Real Time Logic offers customers fast, enterprise-level security and web application server functionality on compact, low-power devices for 50 percent less cost than the standalone tools.

Smartphone applications have permanently altered end-user expectations for hand-held devices, creating unparalleled demands for fast, graphically rich, and interactive applications. As a result, developers are expected to deliver smartphone-savvy capabilities by users who do not understand the limitations of a compact, battery-powered, embedded device. Developers who look to enterprise and smartphone tool suites in hopes of meeting these expectations are enormously challenged to produce sufficiently speedy and power-efficient applications since such tool suites are geared for the relatively expansive memory, performance, and CPU speed commonly available on desktop, tablet, and smartphone environments.

Familiar with the real-time, controller-based embedded systems used for remote management and control applications, Real Time Logic has designed Barracuda Application Server with all the tools developers need to build dynamic, graphically rich applications on in-field, resource-constrained devices. Barracuda Application Server extends the embedded web server capabilities of Barracuda Web Server to power the creation of real-time applications that involve a dynamic human-to-machine exchange of data. By empowering dynamic data exchange of devices, Real Time Logic takes traditional remote device management and control into the 21st century, enabling developers to create dynamic, data-rich applications for building and industrial process control, military, and medical sectors with enterprise-level security and web application technology executing in a device.

“For several years now, developers have been frustrated in their efforts to create web-based applications for remote management and control because all they’ve had available to them are enterprise-level point tools that hog memory and are too slow for devices,” confirmed Wilfred Nilsen, CEO of Real Time Logic. “Barracuda Application Server provides all the tools necessary for developers to deliver fast, secure, GUI-rich web server applications on compact, low-power devices. These extremely compact applications can meet the most stringent security requirements of today’s military and medical environments.”

The Barracuda Application Server radically simplifies and shortens the development cycle for devices in need of remote management and/or supervision. In addition to the embedded web server capabilities of Barracuda Web Server, Barracuda Application Server bundles together all the tools needed to create a fast, graphically rich, dynamic web application. The bundle includes C server pages, Lua server pages (built on the very compact, very fast Lua scripting language), event handler, secure network file system, secure sockets library, and SOAP, AJAX, JSON, and XML web services.

To protect all data exchange, Barracuda Application Server includes Real Time Logic’s SharkSSL, a compact, fast cryptographic engine. SharkSSL is tailored for the resource-constrained embedded systems and provides many compile time options for multiple features such as speed or size. The cryptographic engine offers a rich selection of cryptographic methods including RSA, symmetric algorithms like 3DES and AES, message authentication, hashing, and pseudo-random number generation and is designed to take advantage of available hardware encryption accelerators to speed application security.

By integrating a suite of device-aware development tools for embedded web application servers, Real Time Logic dramatically saves developers the time previously spent identifying point tools, tailoring them for the reduced memory and footprint, and then integrating them to work compatibly in an embedded system. Barracuda Application Server slashes this development overhead and brings together an industrial-strength embeddable application server engine optimized for embedded devices. The server's plug-in architecture enables anything from simple device control to running a full-fledged application server in a remote device.

With all tool competencies bundled together, Barracuda Application Server brings developers a 50 percent savings over buying the components individually.

Barracuda Application Server comes with full source code and royalty-free licenses starting at $19,500.

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