Aonix Brings Ada Kernel Certification Kit to Market
Aonix’s ObjectAda RAVEN certification kit provides the evidence and tools customers need to certify to DO-178B Level A and other standards. Since certification costs from $50 to $100s per line of source code, such tools save companies a significant amount of development cost and time.
Obje“By providing developers with products that improve code reliability, reduce testing overhead, and shorten certification cycles, Aonix helps customers realize significant savings and furthers its reputation for facilitating the certification process,” noted Gary Cato, director of marketing at Aonix. “The ObjectAda RAVEN certification kit substantially reduces the engineering hours, which—given the cost of producing certification evidence—can be a critical lifeline for a project.”
ObjectAda RAVEN for Windows consists of an Ada 95 compiler with the supporting tools of a build/bind tool, library tool and debugger, and is delivered with a predefined program library which conform to the Ravenscar profile subset of the full Ada language. The Ravenscar profile, adopted at the Eight International Real-Time Ada Workshop (IRTAW-8), Ravenscar UK, and subsequently made part of the Ada 2005 specification, accommodates certification requirements for high-integrity, safety-critical, real-time systems.
ObjectAda RAVEN allows developers to choose between the traditional Aonix IDE for development and the optional AonixADT™ Eclipse plug-in. Geared to maximize developer ease and efficiency, AonixADT incorporates Ada-project awareness, an Ada-language sensitive editor, Ada-language compile and build capabilities, and a complete Ada debugger interface, ensuring that Ada developers enjoy state-of-the-art interface capabilities.