
AllSpice shares its new Git for hardware guide

12th February 2024
Paige West

This 80+ page guide explains how electrical engineers, PCB designers, and hardware engineers can use Git revision control technology to improve their design review process.

This guide will help you with:

  • Git crash course: get up to speed quickly with git
  • Git for hardware: the pros and cons of using a modern revision control system
  • Revision control concepts: understand the basics of decentralised, asynchronous revision, and reviews
  • Commit best practices: how to break your designs into digestible chunks
  • Pushing & branching: how teams multitask on the same design files
  • Design review basics: leaving the 4-hour, in-person, PDF-driven review meeting behind
  • Generated files best practices: how to track and distribute Gerbers, BOMs, and Fabrication files
  • Assemblies best practices: how to organise sub-components into an assembly
  • Issues & milestones: lightweight project management
  • List of git platforms: flexible Git clients for your needs

Get a copy today for a comprehensive overview both of how Git works, and what solutions are on the market today for git revision control of hardware designs.

Listen to Electronic Specifier's podcast with AllSpice Co-Founder & CEO, Valentina Ratner.

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