
Advanced technology for design, modelling and high-performance simulation saves engineers time and effort

5th May 2010
ES Admin

MapleSim 4 introduces a new 3-D construction feature, which saves engineers significant time when developing multibody models. MapleSim provides instant, realistic feedback of multibody systems by dynamically rendering the model as it is built. In addition, the 3-D construction environment lets engineers add and manipulate multibody components directly in the 3-D workspace. Other new features include flexible probe management tools, including an easy way to add new probes to previous simulation results without having to rerun the simulation; a new semi-stiff solver that provides good results for stiff systems without the overhead formulation costs of a true stiff solver, and new and enhanced analysis tools, including tools for working with multibody equations.

Unlike other physical modelling tools, MapleSim is built on a foundation of symbolic computation technology which efficiently manages all of the complex mathematics involved in the development of engineering system models. At the core of MapleSim lies Maple, the technical computing software that contains a highly advanced symbolic computation engine, powerful numeric solvers and an intuitive technical document interface. Enhancements to Maple automatically benefit MapleSim users, as well as the many engineers who use Maple directly.

Maple 14 contains increased depth and breadth of maths for engineering applications, including new control system design tools, linearisation tools and new solvers that allow engineers to apply advanced techniques to control design problems. Enhanced performance means solutions can be found even faster and larger problems can be tackled. New tools and resources improve the work environment, including expanded connectivity with MATLAB® through the integration of the Maple Toolbox for MATLAB® directly into Maple 14 and improved search capabilities for the help system.

“Every year, engineering systems are becoming more complex and time-consuming to develop and improve,” said Jim Cooper, President and CEO of Maplesoft. “Symbolic computation is quickly becoming one of the most important, defining technologies of next generation modelling techniques. Because MapleSim 4 and Maple 14 are based on a World-leading symbolic computation engine, engineers across many different industries are saving weeks and months of time while developing better solutions for their customers.”

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