Cyber Security

LDRA launches Embedded Safety & Security Summit (ESSS) 2020

12th November 2019
Joe Bush

LDRA, in collaboration with industry partners and associations, has announced the launch of the sixth edition of the Embedded Safety & Security Summit (ESSS) 2020 to be held on 28 July 2020, at Bengaluru, India. This international summit is an initiative that sheds light on the growing significance of implementing safe and secure practices and technologies in embedded systems.


With the theme ‘Empowering the Development of Safe & Secure Embedded Systems’, ESSS 2020 will aim to bring together developers, customers, partners, decision makers, industry experts, international embedded players, and innovative enterprises from a wide range of sectors to explore the latest advancements, topics, and imminent technologies. ESSS 2020 also coincides with LDRA’s tenth year anniversary celebration of Indian operations.

Highlights of ESSS 2020 to look forward to: 

  • Deep-dive technical sessions addressing three industry verticals:
    • Aerospace & Defence Safety & Security
    • Automotive Functional Safety & Security
    • Industrial Functional Safety & Security
  • Dedicated exhibition zone for startups and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
  • 25+ global experts as speakers and 700+ technology executive as delegates

Shinto Joseph, Director - South East Asia Operations, LDRA India said: “With ten accomplished years to celebrate, the presence of LDRA in India is flourishing into a new phase of growth and success. To mark a decade of operations in India, LDRA is focusing on a broader customer base, including start-ups and MSMEs. With this mission in hand, ESSS 2020 will have a dedicated zone for start-ups and MSMEs operating in the field of safety-and-security-critical embedded technologies.”

“Along with ESSS 2020, we look forward to celebrating our 10th year of successful Indian operations on 28th July, the very same day we announced our Indian operations back in 2010,” said Ian Hennell, Operations Director at LDRA UK.

“During the last decade, our operations here have grown more than in any other parts of the world, now serving our global and Indian clients as well as handling sales operations across all of Southeast Asia,” continued Hennell. “Our focus has always been on skill and ecosystem development programs, which involve all the stakeholders. ESSS was also an initiative in the same direction under our Certification Ecosystem Development Program (CEDP). As part of our tenth year celebrations, we are planning to do a series of programs aimed at creating awareness on public safety and security in India, which is a highly topical subject.”

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