Cyber Security

Binary code analysis decompiler increases the reach of CodeSonar

23rd August 2018
Alex Lynn

Software development professionals looking to supercharge their development workflows have a new tool, available today. GrammaTech,  software assurance tools and cybersecurity solution provider, has announced availability of CodeSonar 5, their latest innovation in advancing static analysis.

CodeSonar 5 delivers the next step in usability and extensibility for users of static analysis. GrammaTech adds C# support next to the already existing support for C, C++ and Java. This gives CodeSonar coverage for the most popular programming languages for safety and security critical industries such as Automotive, Industrial, Medical, Consumer/Electronic as well Aerospace and Defence. User experience is improved with support for the Visual Studio IDE, which builds on the currently available support for the Eclipse IDE. 

CodeSonar uses open standards where possible and CodeSonar 5 adds support for importing results in the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF). Additionally, the whole program static analysis engine within CodeSonar has been extended with a copy-paste error checker that finds problems caused by incorrect re-use of C/C++ code. This checker has already proven its use in finding more than 20 problems in popular open source programs such as the Linux kernel, chromium, mysql, wine, eclipse TCF, python, and postgres. This once more confirms that CodeSonar delivers the deep static analysis for C/C++.

One of the differentiating features of CodeSonar is the detailed information that it provides for every warning through its natural language generator. CodeSonar 5 extends language support with support for Mandarin, as well as Japanese and English. Other languages can also easily be added.

Numerous other improvements are also included, such as enhancements to the C++11, 14, and 17 support, floating point support and more flexibility in the role-based access control, improving usability for large enterprise deployment.

Paul Anderson, VP of Engineering at GrammaTech, stated: “This release is a nice combination of breadth and depth. The integrations with other tools extend the scope of CodeSonar, and we continue to innovate with new techniques for finding serious coding defects in software. Developers like the usability that CodeSonar combines with deep static analysis, allowing them to improve their code quality, reducing cost, and risk”.

The update is available as a free upgrade to all licensed customers under active support and maintenance contracts. A 30-day free trial of CodeSonar 5 is also available here.

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