Component Management

Teknek Experiences High Demand For Thin Film Cleaning Technology

15th August 2011
Nat Bowers

Teknek has reported unprecedented demand for its Ultracleen cleaning roller since its launch in May. Ultracleen is designed to effectively remove debris and contamination from thin film. Highly engineered thin film is increasingly used in flat panel displays (FPD), touch panels, automotive applications and thin film solar panels. In all these sectors there is a zero tolerance policy to defects and the presence of foreign particles in the production process leads to high reject rates. The Ultracleen roller combats this contamination without damaging delicate and sensitive materials and dramatically increases yields and reduces waste.

Ruaridh Nicolson, Teknek’s sales and marketing manager said: “Industry has been crying out for this solution. Films for applications such as FPD are getting increasingly thinner and therefore more fragile yet they need to be 100% clean. We have worked closely with producers and users of thin film to create a product which addresses the impact of debris on yields, production and quality.”

He added: “The Ultracleen range has been specifically designed to ensure the best possible cleaning at the fastest production rates yet leaving the film totally undamaged. Through our commitment to research and innovation we continue to deliver contact cleaning systems which generate on-going savings and increased yields for our customers.”

Ultracleen builds on the success of Nanocleen which offers unparalleled levels of contamination elimination. Combine the Ultracleen rollers with Teknek’s patented Nanocleen Plus silicone-free, static dissipating rolls, and the optimum cleaning core for thin films is achieved.

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