VadaTech announces D/A Converter in FMC format at 2.5 GSPS
VadaTech now offers a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) in the FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) format. The high-speed DAC offers 14-bit at 2.5 Giga samples per second. The FMC223 from VadaTech features a TRIG Out, CLK In, and Analog Out, along with a Multi-IO LVDS connector and status LEDs on the front panel.
The FMC conforms to the latest VITA 57 specifications. The mezzanine offers 8, 16, 32 or 72 QAM for amplitude modulation. An RF PLL (Phased Locked Loop) synthesiser provides enhanced linearity and band flatness performance.
VadaTech offers FMCs in three types: networking interface, A/D and D/A conversion, and RF modules. The company also provides the full Xilinx suite of FPGA carriers and several Altera-based designs.