
More easily secure industrial control systems

15th July 2014
Nat Bowers

Allowing network managers to easily upgrade their existing systems with no downtime, Belden announces the next generation of its Tofino Security solutions for industrial control systems. Tofino Xenon and Tofino Configurator (TC 2.0) are claimed to offer a level of flexibility and customisation that’s unique to the industry.

The security solutions provide increased customisation capabilities and improved ease of use, which will maximise network uptime by enhancing overall data security and reducing operational risks. The enhancements allow industries, such as oil and gas, power utilities and manufacturing, to easily install upgrades on live systems with minimal configuration.

Designed to withstand the harshest conditions, Tofino Xenon ensures maximum data security with easy integration into existing, live networks with no pre-configuration needs or risk of production disruptions. It offers custom-built options, such as designated temperature ranges and software modules. It is also compliant with, and customisable for, use in electrical substations, hazardous environments or transportation systems.

Eric Byres, Chief technology Officer, Tofino Security, Belden, comments: “The Tofino Xenon is highly customisable. No matter the network engineer’s needs, this firewall can meet the security requirements of different protocols, industries and environments. It’s designed to be safely installed on a running network with no pre-configuration, and the hardware comes loaded with the required software. Our goal is for companies to build industrial security solutions their way.”

The TC 2.0 is a complementary Windows-based management software which was designed to be faster and easier to use. Predefined templates enable the software to accommodate both basic and advanced network security needs. With a more intuitive user interface and simpler deployment process, the TC 2.0 also easily integrates into third-party security products. It also offers built-in guidance for easy, accurate rule creation by operations and engineering staff who may not be full-time network security experts.

“With the configurator, we wanted to make the implementation process simple for both advanced users, and those just beginning to manage network security,” adds Byres. “By using predefined templates, the TC 2.0 can intuitively propose a set of rules for the specific control products used in a facility. It meets each user where they are, to make industrial security easier to execute and manage.”

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