
Diagnostic kit aids installation of encoder systems

5th August 2015
Siobhan O'Gorman

Renishaw's TONiC linear and rotary encoder systems feature integral set-up LEDs that are usually sufficient for installation purposes, giving a visual indication of the signal level and calibration status. Those customers with the most challenging set-up requirements are now supported by an optional PC software package for use in conjunction with a diagnostic hardware kit.

The software is particularly useful in situations where reliable visual assessment of the LED is difficult. TONiC diagnostic software is available as a download and is simple to install and easy to use.

TONiC optical incremental readheads use a unique optical filtering scheme and dynamic signal processing to provide output signals of exceptional purity, SDE of ±30nm, jitter to 0.5nm RMS and resolutions to 1nm. These features improve signal stability and long-term reliability.

Renishaw's TONiC diagnostic hardware kit is supplied in a convenient carry-case to enable interface between any TONiC readhead and a standard USB port. The diagnostic kit includes a diagnostic dongle and associated hardware, connectors and a USB cable. Once the TONiC readhead is connected to the diagnostic system, the customer can view the incremental signal amplitude and confirm that the reference mark is correctly calibrated via a graphical interface, which also allows the user to remotely calibrate the system and toggle the AGC status. Alternatively, an audible tone can be output in cases where the visual display is obstructed during readhead adjustment. The software also displays the readhead pitch in the form of a spirit-level graphic and both the status of the P and Q limit switches.

All TONiC scales feature the unique IN-TRAC optical reference mark, directly embedded into the incremental channel, which remains phased at all speeds and throughout the entire operating temperature range. Recent additions to the TONiC range include optional 2nm and 1nm resolutions, a Dual Output encoder interface, and compatibility with Renishaw's Dual Signal interface for high accuracy rotary axes. TONiC has CE approval and is manufactured by Renishaw, using strict quality controlled processes that are certified to ISO 9001:2008, and, like all Renishaw encoders, is backed by a truly responsive global sales and support network.

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