
Deeter Group Introduces a Complete Wireless Sensor System for Industrial Measuring and Control

15th March 2011
ES Admin
The Deeter Group announces the launch of its ground breaking Wireless Sensor System for industrial measurement and control.
At the centre of the Deeter Wireless Sensor System is the simple-to-use Base Station designed to receive data from remote wireless devices such as the Deeter Liquid Vertical Sensor (LVCS-RF) or Wireless Sender. The base station converts remote sensor input signals into industry standard process outputs and acts as the coordinator for an IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor network. It operates on one of 16 radio frequency channels available in the 2.4GHz ISM band. The high power transceiver can achieve a range of greater than 1km, subject to local environmental factors. The internationally recognised IEEE 802.15.4 protocol allows several wireless sensor networks to share the same wireless spectrum without interference.

The Base Station provides four open-collector transistor outputs which may be used to drive external relays for pumps and alarms or Deeter’s Dual Level Controller. Continuous analogue sensor data such as liquid level is output using a 4-to-20mA current-loop driver which enables interfacing with industrial process controllers or the Deeter Group’s range of Current Loop Indicators. A serial communications channel provides full-duplex RS232 and half-duplex RS485 transceivers allowing software to be developed for linking to PCs, data-loggers, PLCs or other proprietary equipment.

Deeter is launching the wireless Base Station with the Liquid Vertical Continuous Sensor - Radio Frequency (LVCS-RF) wireless sensor. The LVCS-RF is designed to measure a continuous liquid level and transmit this information by radio to a Deeter Wireless Base Station at regular intervals.

The sensor circuit is fitted inside a Food Industry Standard 316L stainless steel stem attached to the head, with a 55mm magnetic stainless steel ball-float. Standard sensing lengths are 250mm, 500mm, 750mm and 1m. Custom lengths are available on request. The LVCS-RF is powered by a single 3.6V Lithium Thionyl Chloride battery with a life typically of 12 months, has a transmission range up to 1Km in ideal line-of-sight conditions, subject to local environmental factors, and an operating temperature range of -20 to +70ºC.

Deeter Electronics also offer a Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor System for more complex installations. This highly cost effective wireless monitoring solution will meet the needs of a large number of smaller industrial monitoring applications. The Multi-Channel system can display the state of up to eight analogue sensors and up to thirty two switched inputs.

Up to eight sensor nodes, which can be multi-input Deeter Wireless Senders or Deeter Wireless LVCS-RF Liquid Vertical Continuous Sensors, can send information to a Deeter multi-channel base station. Sensor outputs are displayed, for monitoring, on a personal computer connected via an RS485 to USB adaptor using Deeter Data Viewer Software.

To increase transmission range and overcome potential interference problems Deeter Electronics provide a Wireless Router and an external antenna kit. Up to four wireless routers may be incorporated into a monitoring system to provide a self-healing wireless mesh network offering maximum signal reliability.

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