Matching Circuit Optimization For Antenna Applications Whitepaper
With CST STUDIO SUITE and Optenni Lab, the design of a mataching circuit is shortened to a few minutes, without the need for deep knowledge in the theory of impedance matching. 'Matching Circuit Optimization for Antenna Applications' is a white paper discussing the optimization of matching circuits to antenna applications and the benefits of impedance matching to antenna design.
ImpeUsing a matching circuit to change the antenna impedance presents several advantages:
-Tuning the antenna to operate at a desired frequency range is much easier and faster than modifying the antenna geometry
-The matching circuits can add additional resonances to the antenna and thus make it more broadband
-With matching circuits it is easy to incorporate last minute design changes by only changing the values of some discrete components
-There are fast and easy-to use design tools for matching circuit optimization
Download the full Whitepaper below.