Acrosser launched PCI-104 CAN bus, SRAM and Digital I/O module.
Acrosser Technology launches the AR-B104D PCI-104 interface CAN bus, 24 channel digital I/O and SRAM module. The AR-B104D provides most of the features required in automation and in-vehicle applications. The CAN bus controller on AR-B104D confirms to BOSCH spec CAN 2.0B ACTIVE. It provides reliable communication up to 1 M bps baud rate with simple wiring. The CAN controller handles error detection and re-transmission which simplified the programming. The 12-channel digital inputs of AR-B104D provide not only optical isolated general purpose input function; they are also able to be a counter input. User don’t have to handle state change event when he has to count the pulses come into the digital input. Beside of this, the 12-channel 500 mA digital outputs can operate as an automatic pulse generators as well as general purpose outputs.
In mThe free software development kit comes with the AR-B104D package. It includes device drivers, API, sample code, demo program and software programming guide to support Window and Linux operation systems.