Artificial Intelligence

Companies efficiently develop driver assistance system

8th March 2017
Alice Matthews

For long-term operation, automotive embedded systems demand the highest degree of reliability and safety. At the same time, the development of these often complex systems is also subject to high costs and pressure to meet customer’s delivery deadline. At embedded world 2017, the companies INCHRON, iSYSTEM, OpenSynergy and Renesas Elecronics Europe will jointly present a demonstrator for car driver assistance systems that enables the fulfilment of all these requirements through a consistent use of platforms, software technologies and development tools.

For this demonstrator several of Renesas’ RH850/F1x Series of microcontrollers (MCUs) for automotive applications are networked via a bus system. In the illustrated application two RH850/F1x MCUs are used as a control unit for a camera and a radar sensor respectively. Additionally, crash detection is also carried out on the radar sensor controller. A third RH850/F1x MCU, functioning as a central control unit, combines the sensor data fusion with body functions, such as the central locking system and the activation of brake and direction indicator lights.

OpenSynergy’s flexible hypervisor COQOS Micro runs on each of these MCUs enabling the integration of multiple real-time operating systems (such as AUTOSAR software) on a single processor. Each controller application runs in its virtual machine so that applications with different ASIL levels cannot interfere with one another.

All essential information about the behaviour of the hypervisor, virtual machines, applications, and event chains in this system are captured and recorded by iSYSTEM’s iC5700 On-Chip Analyser. Furthermore, the CAN/LIN bus add-on module for iC5700 is used to record trace logs of the communication on the CAN bus.

The INCHRON Tool-Suite analyses the information recorded by the iSYSTEM tools, with all MCU and CAN bus traces visualised against a common time base. One can use it to identify event chains, to calculate statistics of run time values and other timing parameters, as well as to check compliance with predefined timing requirements. The data so obtained can be used to feed a model of the entire system with realistic values into the INCHRON Tool-Suite simulation environment. Finally, such a model can be utilised for dedicated optimisation of the system and its timing parameters as well as for cost-effective and automated verification of changes in the system.

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