
Interference waveform pattern software for 5G and LTE

25th January 2022
Beatrice O'Flaherty

Anritsu Corporation is pleased to announce the launch of its new Interference Waveform Pattern for 5G NR Receiver Test MX371055A and Interference Waveform Pattern for LTE Receiver Test MX371054A software.

These tools generate 3GPP interference waveform patterns for testing the receiver sensitivity and throughput of both 5G and LTE user equipment (UE) and modules using the Vector Signal Generator MG3710E. Installing these tools in the MG3710E used in combination with the Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A and Radio Communication Analyser MT8821C facilitates easy interference evaluation tests required by the 3GPP RF Compliance Test.

The tools are designed to support both in-house pre-testing for confirming compliance of Sub-6 GHz 5G and LTE UE and modules before the official 3GPP Compliance Test as well as for R&D to improve receiver sensitivity and throughput performance.

Development Background

In parallel with increasing 5G smartphone shipments, annual shipments of 5G Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) are increasing based on mobile operator Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) services. In addition, manufacturers of automotive electronic equipment are developing 5G communications modules, such as the Telematics Control Unit (TCU). Moreover, alongside this growing market for 5G UE and modules, the same manufacturers are still developing LTE UE and modules for mobile operators who have not started 5G services yet.

To sell 5G and LTE UE and modules, these equipment manufacturers must ensure that their products pass the 3GPP RF Compliance Test administered by a certifiedtest organisation.

The Compliance Test is the final product evaluation before commercial release, and failure to pass possibly requires redesign and retesting. Consequently, pre-testing during development is essential to avoid this risk.

A vector signal generator is required to generate interference waveforms at pre-testing. Evaluation using interference waveforms is important in suppressing degraded receiver sensitivity and helps assure development of competitive UE and modules.

Anritsu developed these two 3GPP-compliant interference waveform pattern tools to help engineers without specialist skills generate interference waveforms for easy interference tests.

Product Outline

The Vector Signal Generator MG3710E supports receiver sensitivity and interference tests by outputting modulation waveforms up to 6 GHz and these new interference waveform pattern software tools facilitate output of different signal types.

The MG3710E with Anritsu’s RF Conformance Test System ME7873 series supporting for 5G and LTE systems can perform the RF Compliance Test by certification organisations, such as test houses.

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