3D Printing

Building a new future

8th March 2017
Lanna Deamer


The London-based startup company Ai Build has created a 3D printed architectural installation named after the father of Icarus who, in Greek Mythology, was said to have built the Labyrinth.

The Daedalus Pavilion was 3D printed using an industrial robot after Ai Build teamed up with Arup Engineers to showcase how the future of construction will be transformed by robotics and artificial intelligence. The pavilion, which measures five metres square and reaches a height of 4.5 metres, comprises 48 pieces weighing a total of 160kg.

The project drew on a combination of computer vision and deep learning algorithms that were developed to increase the speed and accuracy of large-scale 3D printing. It has been described as a taste of how even established industries such as construction will be transformed by artificial intelligence.

Ai Build has worked with Breakthrough funding, a company that helps UK SMEs achieve R&D tax credits - a government scheme created to enhance and reward innovation amongst UK businesses. Could you be eligible? Click here to learn more.

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