Application Notes
DN-104 UCC3585,Low Voltage Synchronous Buck Controller, Evaluation Board, Schematic, and List of Materials
Texas Instruments
Published : 05 Sep 99
The UCC3585 is a voltage mode synchronous step down (BUCK) controller that provides the functionality required to obtain high efficiency, low cost, regulated power from a low input voltage rail. High efficiency is obtained through the use of synchronous rectification. The UCC3585 runs off a supply voltage as low as 2.5V. It incorporates an innovative tracking feature which allows the converter output to track the input voltage during power-up. This feature is essential for certain dual-rail microprocessors such as PowerPC 603 and 604 and GTL bus voltage ICs. The tracking feature is enhanced by a user configurable “track-and-hold” threshold that prevents overshoot of the output voltage during power-up.
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Download application note for DN-104 UCC3585,Low Voltage Synchronous Buck Controller, Evaluation Board, Schematic, and List of Materials by Texas Instruments
Application Note