Analog Devices Inc.
Price range: $0.00 - $11.53
The DS620 digital thermometer and thermostatprovides low-voltage (1.7V < VDD < 3.5V) temperature measurements with ±0.5°C accuracy from 0°C to+70°C and an operating temperature range of -55°Cto +125°C. The DS620 communicates over a 2-wiredigital interface. For distributed-sensing applications,it is multidroppable with three address pins that allowup to eight DS620s to operate on a single bus.The DS620 has thermostat functionality with userdefinedthresholds stored in EEPROM registers, andit can be configured for standalone thermostatoperation. The programmable output (PO) pin servesas the thermostat output, and this pin can also beconfigured to function as an active-low control forperipheral devices.ApplicationsComputers/ServersIndustrialLow-Voltage Temperature-Sensitive ApplicationsMedical InstrumentsPortable ApplicationsTest Equipment
DS620U+ Inventory
by: Analog Devices Inc.