Analog Devices Inc.
Price range: $16.63 - $54.74
The ADuC836 is a complete smart transducer front end, integratingtwo high resolution Σ-Δ ADCs, an 8-bit MCU, and program/dataFlash/EE memory on a single chip.The two independent ADCs (primary and auxiliary) include atemperature sensor and a PGA (allowing direct measurementof low level signals). The ADCs with on-chip digital filtering andprogrammable output data rates are intended for the measurementof wide dynamic range, low frequency signals, such as thosein weigh scale, strain gage, pressure transducer, or temperaturemeasurement applications.The device operates from a 32 kHz crystal with an on-chip PLLgenerating a high frequency clock of 12.58 MHz. This clock isrouted through a programmable clock divider from which the MCUcore clock operating frequency is generated. The microcontrollercore is an 8052 and therefore 8051 instruction set compatiblewith 12 core clock periods per machine cycle.62 Kbytes of nonvolatile Flash/EE program memory, 4 Kbytes ofnonvolatile Flash/EE data memory, and 2304 bytes of data RAMare provided on-chip. The program memory can be configured asdata memory to give up to 60 Kbytes of NV data memory in datalogging applications.On-chip factory firmware supports in-circuit serial download anddebug modes (via UART), as well as single-pin emulation modevia the EA pin. The ADuC836 is supported by a QuickStart™development system featuring low cost software and hardware development tools.Applications Intelligent sensors Weigh scales Portable instrumentation, battery-powered systems 4–20 mA transmitters Data logging Precision system monitoring
ADUC836BSZ Inventory
by: Analog Devices Inc.