Analog Devices Inc.
Price range: $6.66 - $14.71
The DS2781 remains in production, however, for new projects, we recommend ModelGauge m5 MAX17215 fuel gauge.The DS2781 measures voltage, temperature, andcurrent, and estimates available capacity forrechargeable Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Ion Polymerbatteries. Cell stack characteristics and applicationparameters used in the calculations are stored in on-chipEEPROM. The available capacity registersreport a conservative estimate of the amount ofcharge that can be removed given the currenttemperature, discharge rate, stored charge andapplication parameters. Capacity estimation isreported in milliamp hours remaining and percentageof full.ApplicationsCommercial Two-Way RadiosDigital Video CamerasIndustrial PDAs and Handheld PC Data TerminalsPortable GPS Navigation Systems
DS2781G+ Inventory
by: Analog Devices Inc.