Analog Devices Inc.
Price range: $9.13
The Himalaya series of voltage regulator ICs. power modules, and chargers enable cooler, smaller and simpler power supply solutions. The MAXM17503 is an easy-to- use, Himalaya step-down power module that combines a switching power supply controller, dual n-channel MOSFET power switches, fully shielded inductor, and the compensation components in a low-profile, thermally-effi- cient, system-in-package (SiP).The device operates over a wide input voltage range of4.5V to 60V and delivers up to 2.5A continuous outputcurrent with excellent line and load regulation over anoutput voltage range of 0.9V to 12V. The device onlyrequires five external components to complete the totalpower solution. The high level of integration significantlyreduces design complexity, manufacturing risks, andoffers a true plug-and-play power supply solution, reducingtime-to-market.The device can be operated in the pulse-width modulation(PWM), pulse-frequency modulation (PFM), or discontinuousconduction mode (DCM) control schemes.The MAXM17503 is available in a low-profile, highly thermal-emissive, compact, 29-pin 9mm x 15mm x 2.8mm SiPpackage that reduces power dissipation in the packageand enhances efficiency. The package is easily solderedonto a printed circuit board and suitable for automatedcircuit board assembly. The device can operate over wideindustrial temperature range from -40° C to +125° C.ApplicationsBase Station Point-of-Load RegulatorDistributed Supply RegulationFPGA and DSP Point-of-Load RegulatorHVAC and Building ControlIndustrial Power Supplies
MAXM17503ALJ+T Inventory
by: Analog Devices Inc.