Toshiba Unveil High-speed Dual N-ch MOSFET For DC-DC Converters Of Mobile Devices
As additional functions are added to mobile devices, including smartphones, cellular phones, tablets and notebook PCs, and as increasing demands are made on the batteries of those devices, efforts continue to improve the user experience and cut charge times by boosting charge density and significantly increasing the charging current and frequency.
ToshToshiba's new low capacitance product SSM6N58NU is the company's latest addition to its dual N-ch MOSFET line-up, suitable as high-speed switches for high-current charging circuits.
High-current (up to 4A) charging switches for mobile devices including smartphones, celluar phones, tablets and notebook PCs.
Key Features:
Low ON-resistance
Low capacitance
Small package
Main Specifications:
Main Specifications of High-speed Dual N-ch MOSFET for DC-DC Converters: SSM6N58NU