MOSFET enables smaller power conversion systems
Availability and full design support capabilities for a new silicon carbide power MOSFET from Wolfspeed, has been announced by Richardson RFPD. According to Wolfspeed, the C20045170 is claimed to be the industry’s first 1700 V, 45 mΩ SiC MOSFET. It offers high-speed switching with low capacitances, avalanche ruggedness, fast intrinsic diode with low reverse recovery (Qrr), and it is easy to parallel and simple to drive.
The new 1700 V platform enables smaller and higher-efficiency next-generation power conversion systems.
The device is designed to support new 1500 V bus high-frequency power electronics applications, including renewable energy inverters, battery charging systems, auxiliary power supplies, and three-phase industrial power supplies.
Key features of the C2M0045170D include a current rating of @ 25 ºC: 72 A and a maximum junction temperature: 150 ºC. The device comes in a TO-247-3 package.