Seica Inc. Announces Zero Defects International as North American Sales Agent for PCB Market
Seica Inc. recently announced that Zero Defects International (ZDI) has been chosen the North American sales agent for its line of bare board flying probers. David Sigillo, General Manager of Seica Inc. commented, Seica has been working with ZDI since 2001; they have shown and demonstrated successful sales in this market place in the western region. Along with their success in promoting Seica's other products in their local territory and with over 25+ years in bare board and substrate market place, this new sales channel will offer Seica additional growth nationally. We look forward to increasing Seica's share of the flying-probe tester market for a number of significant reasons, noted Paul Benke, CEO of Zero Defects.
Among those is the ability to offer fully automated test systems which can, without an operator, test and sort as many as 150 panels or boards of mixed part numbers. Another unique Seica advantage is the availability of both vertical and horizontal format test systems. Additional benefits will be described within in the marketing program being launched by ZDI and Seica Inc.