Eagle SMT Offers 10% Discount on ST-400F Lead-Free Wave Solder Until 31st August 2011
Eagle SMT is offering a 10% discount to all customers on the ST-400F. The ST-400F lead-free wave solder can be touch screen or PC controlled and features a display which can handle 50 groups of parameters including preheat temperature, solder pot temperature, conveyor speed, spray flux speed etc.
Features Include:• Electrical box:plc control, all branded electrical parts itemised in English.
• Spray flux system: Stepper motor for driving, rail and slider for guiding sprayer - For smoothness and stability.
• Preheating system: two preheating zones. All blowers can be easily drawn out from the bottom, all heaters can be drawn out from rear side. - EASY FOR MAINTENANCE!!!
• Solder pot: The solid Titanium solder pot includes a life time warranty.
Please download the PDF for further information.