Electrolytic capacitors with unusual SMD leads offer excellent vibration resistance
Today’s electronic components have to meet very stringent requirements to ensure that they are able withstand the stress of automotive and other hightemperature applications combined with high levels of vibration. Large electrolytic capacitors which are used to store energy cause problems, as they are
the only components with wire leads in many applications. The European distributor ECOMAL has reacted to this situation by adding innovative Frolyt aluminum electrolytic capacitors to its portfolio. This pseudo SMD solution now makes it possible to use capacitors with a case diameter of 18mm in very demanding applications. The pins are bent very precisely so that they lie flat on the SMD pads and can be put through a lead-free soldering process. The visible solder joints can be inspected to verify the quality of the reflow process.
WhenProduction started up with a 125°C high temperature version which has an 18 x 36.5 mm case. Smaller dimensions can be supplied if there is sufficient demand. The capacitors are supplied on a special tape to ensure coplanarity of the leads and excellent process reliability.