An octal wideband transceiver (MIMO) with UltraScale+ FPGA
VadaTech has announced the AMC588, a wideband transceiver in AMC form factor. The AMC utilises four AD9371 connected to a Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA providing eight transceivers channels. The modules are suitable for SDR, SATCOM, 3G/4G micro and macro BTS, antenna systems, research and instrumentation. The AD9371 supports TDD and FDD operation, with a frequency range of 300MHz to 6GHz covering most licensed and unlicensed cellular bands.
Each receiver and transmitter subsystem includes quadrature error correction (QEC) and on-chip programmable digital filters. The on-board re-configurable UltraScale+ XCVU13P FPGA interfaces via JESD204B directly to wideband transceivers.
The FPGA interfaces to a single bank of DDR4, 64-bit wide for a total of 8GB. This allows for large buffer sizes to be stored during processing as well as for queuing the data to the host.
The benefits of the AMC588 are wide ranging but most notably a frequency range 300MHz to 6GHz, flexible clocking, observation channels for implementation of error correction functions and sniffer receiver channels that can monitor different frequency bands.
The AMC588 is compatible with Analog Devices RadioVerse design tools and comes with a reference design implementation complete with VHDL source code, documentation and configuration binaries.