
UVC Light to fight COVID-19 in public spaces

5th October 2020
Alex Lynn

LED Direct, a UK based specialist lighting business has partnered with LUG lighting to bring UVC lighting solutions to the UK. With the UK now facing a second wave of the Coronavirus, are these lights what the British people need to combat COVID?

TfL have had great success with using UV lighting robots to sanitise their tube and train stations. London’s Transport Commissioner Andy Byford, said: "We all want London to continue to get back on its feet, and TfL is fully focussed on supporting this as we strive to make sure that customers and staff are safe"

New research is emerging each week about the benefits of using UVC technology in public areas. This includes hospital rooms, gyms, bars, restaurants and more. The UV rays penetrate the thin cell membrane of viruses such as Coronavirus and influenza, and ‘damages the genetic material of viruses and their ability to replicate’. Furthermore, a 2018 study from Columbia University, showed UV light can kill more than 95 percent of pathogens.

Would Westminster be willing to invest in installation if it means we can keep the economy running? Or encourage small businesses to look at sterilisation solutions in order to stay open and keep customers safe? You would hope so. Sadly, reality suggests that it will have to be an autonomous decision, as little support has been provided by the UK Government so far. 

LED Direct offers complete project support in implementing UVC lighting in a business or workplace, including installation. They are reaching out to businesses and the NHS to help fight COVID-19 on the front lines, and keep the economy going. Hopefully this technology will be utilised by the right people soon.

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